Monday 28 October 2019

How to design an East meets West restaurant interior in Dubai?

Dubai is a place where people from all continents come to settle. These people are identified with different cultures, races, religions, and languages. Thus owing to different backgrounds, their preferences and aesthetic choices differ as well.

When you design a restaurant in Dubai, you are in a prime location for designing a restaurant’s interior, which is a blend of East and West. In this way, it will be appealing to masses coming from various parts of the world. All you need to do is to hire a company offering restaurant interior design in Dubai to fulfill this dream.

But what this dream may look like? It is explained below for you.

How to design an East meets West restaurant interior in Dubai

Merge East with the West with your restaurant interior:

If you incorporate bits and pieces from different cultures in your interior, it will attract people from more than one part of the world.  If a person from Asia is attracted to the historical artifacts, there might be a European getting attracted to the furniture or an Iranian attracted to wall art, which comes from their culture.

Color selection:

In every culture, certain colors are considered significant, and those cultures are identified with the color. For example, red is the color known for Chinese culture. If you use a color that reflects the color scheme of a certain culture, is it western or eastern, you will be able to merge the culture by applying another part of the interior from the other culture. 
If you want to choose eastern colors, you must go for darker hues like maroon or purple.

Furniture and seating:

The materials utilized in a restaurant’s interior make a great deal of difference. These materials can be from any part of the world. Here’s the trick, employ them from a place that has the fascinating ones. You can also consider the trends in Dubai. For instance, if you check the demographics of Dubai, and then choose furniture reflective of a country which has the highest number of expats in the city.
Seating styles also vary from place to place. Some cultures prefer dining on a table while some do not. But dining on the floor can be uncomfortable so you must consider all of this.

Kitchen Design:

Kitchens nowadays are visible to the audience of a restaurant. In this way, people can see their food in the making, and it also adds to the appetite. With a good kitchen design, you can ensure that the customer trusts you and thinks the food to be hygienic.
Kitchen tools can also reflect culture. For example, French utensils are the most fascinating.

Are you about to design your East meets west restaurant interior?

Whenever you design something, the result must reflect the philosophy behind it. Professional interior designers help you achieve that. Thus you must hire a professional for your restaurant interior design Dubai based companies. As an American Designer Charles Eames says, “The details are not the details, they make the design.”
Seeks help from professionals for these important details so that you can woo the hearts of your diners!

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