Wednesday 7 November 2018

Essential Guidelines For Designing Your Startup Eatery

There are millions of restaurant chains opening every day, and they are trying to differentiate one from another to stand out. You can say the number of restaurants is on the rise and the competition is getting tougher. Restaurants are becoming more creative in terms of overall interior, use of cutlery and presentation of food. In the age of the photograph, everything in a restaurant has to be top-notch because you can’t afford to be less than your next-door neighbor restaurant.

If you are someone who is thinking to open a restaurant in Dubai then, believe it or not, you are getting yourself into some serious competition. The mega-chains and regional restaurant are already are in power the whole industry that you need to work really hard to get into the market. You just have to get it right. If you are not confident enough to make an entrance then restaurant interior design Dubai can help you with that.

restaurant interior design

There are hundreds of different elements which will fall under the design category.  Just to keep things handy and positive for your start, keeping the upcoming restaurant interior design trends in considerations, here are some universal tips regarding designing your startup eatery or restaurant business:

Represent Your Brand:

You are designing a restaurant based on a vision so when you are sketching the design of your place you have to keep that in mind. If you believe in something, then it should come across in the overall look of the place as well.

Also, when you are establishing a food place, you actually promise the customers to serve them the best food with a great environment. The design should complement that promise and enhance that.


How many times have you visited a restaurant and thought how pretty those fork and spoons are? We all have been in that situation.

Your silverware is going to have a great impression even before the food has arrived. Depending on the type of food restaurant is going to serve the silverware is going to vary.


Yes, this is a must in the age of Instagram and Snapchat. When you are finalizing the light system of your room, then you need to check how the pictures are coming in that light. The yellow light might give cozy and romantic feelings, but it won't work for selfies freaks.

At the same time do keep in mind that bright light might pinch in.


You do not want to suffocate your customers, so there is an absolute need to have well-ventilated space. If you have a no-smoking rule, then you are leaving a good amount of customers for that. The best solution is to have a separate place for smokers.

Also, the kitchen smoke needs to be well put off. When you are designing an interior there are a million things you need to consider and ventilation should be a top priority.

Final Thoughts:

Restaurant designs are tricky, but these tips can surely help your new venture in Dubai. Still confused? Why not approach Restaurant interior design Dubai for some serious professional help!

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