Friday 14 June 2019

Handy tips to install wood flooring for your store

When it comes to the interior of a store, then other then color and lighting you need to focus on layout and flooring as well. Usually, retail or commercial places opt for tiles and marble floors because they are easy to maintain. 
However, there is one type of flooring which is never out of the trend-wood flooring. It is never out of fashion and gives a different touch to your place. It is pleasing to the eyes and easy to maintain as compared to tiles and marbles. The durability of wood is all famous, and above all, it is healthy for the environment.
If you are trying to install the wood flooring or just working on the idea, then you need to work on it but not getting any idea on how to do, then you need to attain professional assistance. When in the UAE you can always opt for the interior design companies in Dubai but if not then check out the stores near your vicinity.
But if you are looking forward to doing it on your own there, this article is going to share simple tips and tricks for installing wood flooring for your store.

Practical tips to opt for wood flooring in your store:

Wood flooring is not an easy process because you have to put a lot of thought on how to proceed. The flooring process is going to be different in commercial place as compared to home because of the amount of traffic which is coming.
Following are some things one might consider when it comes to installing flooring in a commercial setting:

Select the wood:

When you are starting the flooring process, then the obvious one to start with is the kind of wood you will be using. There are different types of wood which often people use, such as Oak and cherry species. There is also a difference in the grain and color of the wood which is being used.

Measure the place:

Once you have decided on the type of wood, then you need to know how many planks you would need. For that, there has to be the proper measurement of the width and length of the place and also the cutting which might require extra wood.

The layout of the room:

When installing the hardwood floor, there has to be the floor which is stable and sound. This is because the installation process might not be possible for a floor which is rusty and the one which is not structurally solid. Before starting, try to understand the moisture which is present on the floor because wooden floors can be influenced by humidity.

Closing words:

Flooring is the core of the interior design and ti should be installed with a lot of care. When you are trying to opt for the wood flooring, then you would want to take on the professional assistance. Looking for such assistance in UAE? Check out the professional interior designing companies in Dubai so that your finishing of the floor is picture perfect.

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