Wednesday 27 March 2019

Essential Green decor tips for your organic food store

With so many people trying to save the environment and their health, more and more people are turning towards chemical-free alternatives in beauty, healthcare, and lifestyles.  According to a source, eco-friendly products have seen and will be seeing a drastic growth in a few years. 

Another study shows that more and more UAE consumers are buying organic food. About 38 % of consumers are opting for more organic food according to the study. 

Considering the great business opportunity if you're thinking of creating your organic food store, it’s important to beat your competitor to it. Note that organic food stores have the right products but not the right interior décor to sell them in. Customers that come into organic food stores should see how authentic you are!

Essential Green decor tips for your organic food store

To create a green and your green, eco-friendly interior decor, opt for expert interior design companies in Dubai. Read on to know how you can create an eco-friendly interior for your organic store:

Essential Green decor tips for your organic food store

A little can go a long way when it’s the interior of an organic food store.  There's no space for painted walls, intricate light fixtures, and metallic shelves. All interior décor aspects should speak ‘nature’ and ‘eco-friendly’.  The right interior décor can help you achieve just that. Read on to know-how:

Choose wooden walls

 If you're wondering what to do with your store walls, choose wooden walls!   They're not only beautiful to look at, but they can also act as an accent wall in your organic store.  What's more, is that you can create your company’s logo right behind the reception desk and welcome your customer's with a lovely natural logo at the reception!

Opt for Energy-efficient lighting

With the right energy-efficient lighting, you're not only saving energy but also operational costs for your store. The yellow variety tends to add the warm glow that most retail stores have so opt for them.

Use sensor lights

 Since all regions of your store may not always be occupied,   opt for sensor lighting in the store, to save energy costs and to convey how much you care about the environment.

Use plants

There are many ways to go when you’re decorating a dominant nature space for your store. Create a lively store for yourself by incorporating plants along with the ceilings. Hang colorful plants in pots and create a natural, green interior for your organic store. Plumeria and Bougainvillea are two colorful plants gardens in UAE usually have, so give them a try!

A green wall

Since organic retails are all about being free from chemicals, it's important for the store to look the part. Use green walls within the stores to create an overall natural appeal in your store. Use ivy-laden walls or vertical garden to create exciting interior space for your store.

Wooden fixtures

 Use wooden fixtures for your store. With so many crafters creating amazing things out of wood, opt for a more biodegradable material for your light fixtures! Wood! Give an antique look with the right fixtures.
The counter, your storage shelves and furnishings (if any) will take up a huge part of the store. And since you claim to be organic, use nature within the room. Opt for thick wooden slabs for your countertops, shelves, and displays.

Take Away

Your organic retail store is all about products that are chemical-free and to convey to the customers, you care about them and the environment, it’s important to present the same message through the interior décor of your food store. Opt for interior design companies in Dubai to help you design the most naturally exotic interior for your organic products store.

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